Crew history story
Current crew story
FROM GENE: The Klamath Falls Herald and News ran a story on April 17 [HERE] and it has several small side stories accompanying it.
UPDATE FROM NEIL: We have 111 folks registered, including family members, and I know a fair number have not registered (which is ok too). We are looking at a great turnout.
A couple reminders:
We will open the doors at the yacht club at about 1300, and we plan on the food to start coming off the grill at 1500. We will be asking for donations to cover the facilities and the dinner; about $10 per person should cover expenses.
Reunion T shirts and sweatshirts can be pre-ordered or ordered at the reunion. Everything that was pre-ordered by the 29th should be available for payment and pick-up at the reunion. Everything ordered later will be shipped by us, after we receive payment and a shipping address.
If you have any memorabilia and/or media that you would like to display at the event, please bring it. We will have display tables for shirts, hats, photos, gear etc. and we will have DVD players, slide projector, VHS players, microphone etc. all available. So please bring anything you have, including stories.
If you have music that you would like to play, bring that too.
The menu will include barbecued tri-tip and chicken, calico beans, roasted garlic potatoes, green and pasta salad, and fresh locally baked dinner rolls. There will be soft drinks and juice available free, along with a no-host bar for the over 21 crowd.
The Shilo Inn still has available rooms blocked for us; just mention that you are with the hotshot reunion and they will quote you a special price. We will have non-drinking designated drivers available for anyone who would like a ride to their lodging.
There will be a story in the Medford Mail Tribune this weekend regarding the crews’ history and reunion, and there will be a similar story in the Klamath Falls Herald and News next weekend. Hope to see you all there on April 7th!
~ Neil Austin, Winema IHC
We have finally set a date and reserved a location for the 50-year anniversary reunion this spring. It’s scheduled for 07. April at the Klamath Yacht Club on Front Street in Klamath Falls. We will be providing food and beverages and there will be a no-host bar service available.
Please fill out the form [HERE] to help us update our roster and to give us an idea how many people will be attending the reunion. Even if you do not plan to attend the reunion, please fill out the form - just select “no” under the “will be attending?” question. This will help us update the roster of previous crew members.
Because the time is short and a large portion of our contact list from ten years ago is not up-to-date, we will need your help in networking this event and spreading the word. There will be no pre-pay or registration for the event, but if you know you are coming we would appreciate an RSVP to [email protected]. We will ask for donations at the reunion to help cover the costs of the facility and refreshments.
We have an indoor facility that will accommodate the same size crowd that we had for the 40th, and we’ll have sufficient outdoor space and a firepit.
Important notes:
- Please bring memorabilia, photos, videos, slide shows etc. to the event. If you have any specific needs to display your stuff let me know.
- Please bring warm clothes to spend time around the fire, as the weather can be very unpredictable here in April.
- Bring your guitars and singing voices.
- We will have anniversary T·shirts and sweatshirts available for purchase.
- We will have arrangements for motels and camping nearby. There is no camping available at the yacht club.
- Further info will be posted here and on the following sites. Check in often and please try to make the reunion!
Neil R. Austin
Winema Hotshots
2819 Dahlia
Klamath Falls OR 97601