A Primer on How Debris Flows Work


Rumble. Rumble. The roaring grows. Suddenly a wall of boulders, trees, rocks, and mud appears around a bend in a narrow canyon. It rushes downhill, picking up speed, clanking and grinding and destroying everything in its path.

The mass of stuff finds the stream channel at the bottom of the canyon and continues its destructive journey to the bottom of the mountain. In its wake, the earth is stripped bare to the bedrock. Wiped clean -- left to begin a new cycle of soil rebuilding and revegetation.

But what happened?

Recent deaths in Oregon's forest interface have focused attention on landslides and their causes. Many individuals point to clearcuts as the cause of the increased slide activity, but other factors help create slides. Steep slopes, over-saturated soils, vegetation cover, and previous land use work together to produce debris flows that smother salmon spawning grounds, move boulders and trees, and kill people. Currently, scientists have enough information to understand how slides work and what areas are more likely to have slides. The following is a layperson's guide to the science of landslides.

Landslides & Mudslides

Debris flow is a generic term used by scientists to describe the rapid movement of rocks, soil, water, and vegetation downhill. A debris flow could be a mudslide or a landslide, depending on the amount of water present. Flows contain many different-sized particles from sand grains to boulders, but the biggest rocks travel at the front of the flow.

Debris flows are a natural occurrence. In fact, Gordon Reed, a fish biologist with the U.S. Forest Service Research Lab in Oregon, says that flow events are a major force in delivering wood and gravel to streams to create fish habitat.

Landslides are at the drier end of the debris flow spectrum. Their smaller water content makes them more like oatmeal on a camping trip -- sticky, gloopy, and full of sticks and rocks. Landslides are classified by the speed at which they move. "Creeps" move only a few inches downhill a year, but given enough time they can push railroad tracks and fences out of line. Avalanches move very fast, sometimes at speeds greater than 60 mph. These rapid landslides occur in mountainous areas and may be made of snow or rock.

Landslides come in two forms: block slips and rotational block slips.

Block slips happen when a hillside is cut into, such as when a road is made. Shear stress, the force that wants to tear the soil from the bedrock, is usually balanced by resistance to downhill movement. Shear stress forms along the slip plane, the interface between soil and solid bedrock. Resistance is provided by roots holding soil to the slope, or soil particles clinging to one another and the bedrock. Normally, rain percolates through the soil -- or a porous layer of rock -- to the water table, and flows downhill from there. If the bedrock is not absorptive, the water runs downhill through the soil along the slip plane.

Road-building upsets this balance, and heavy rain can break down resistance to a point where shear stress takes over and the hill comes tumbling down.

When a road is cut into a slope, the water flowing downhill seeps out of the side of the cut and across the road surface, then continues on its path to the bottom of the hill. If lots of rain falls in a very short period of time, the soil above the road gets supersaturated with water and becomes a big muddy mass. If the mass is not held to the slope by vegetation, it may start to move downhill, picking up loose rocks and vegetation. Eventually, the flow reaches the road cut and dumps everything onto the surface. If the debris flow has enough speed and force, it can move across the road and continue its path downhill.

Rotational block slip is a term scientists use to describe slumps. A slump is the slippage of a whole block of earth at once. The soil moves in one piece, leaving a smooth rock face.

Several forces work together to create slumps. Usually resistance to downhill movement is created by roots holding soil together and/or soil particles sticking together. Wind pushing against the vegetation can loosen roots -- and therefore soil. Heavy rain, combined with shear stress and wind, works to pull the soil downward. Again, the saturated soil can get loosened enough to move downhill, taking the vegetation and loose rock with it. A slump can trigger further debris flows at its leading edge.

Mudslides contain more water than landslides. They can contain solid material, too, but generally have fewer large rocks and trees than landslides. Mudslide consistency is a lot like cake batter -- with a few sticks and pebbles thrown in.

Mudslides can move as fast as 22 mph because of their high water content. Heavy rains and rapid snowmelt can trigger mud flows on unstable slopes. Mudslides formed after Mount St. Helens erupted, because the heat and lava quickly melted the snow blanketing the mountain.

The Role of Water

Water plays a big role in triggering landslides; it acts like WD-40 on a rusty screw. Water lubricates the surface between the soil (or sometimes weathered rock) and the bedrock, and makes it easier for the soil to slide off the solid underlying hillside. If the soil is already saturated, a period of heavy rain can trigger a slide.

Keith Mills, a geological specialist at the Oregon Department of Forestry, says that two to five inches of rainfall in six hours, after a few days of prior rain, is enough to trigger a debris flow. Hubbard Creek had seven inches in 10 hours last November prior to the fatal landslide.

Water combined with gravity is a powerful force in moving earth. How heavy is water?

"When it rains two inches in 24 hours, you have about 10 pounds of water on every square foot of soil," explains Tom Horning, a geological hazards specialist at Horning Geosciences in Seaside, Oregon. "That's about 50,000 pounds of water on a 50-by-100-foot lot. After four or five days, you could have 125 tons of water, and that water's got to go somewhere."

Last year's heavy rainfall is not likely to let up in the near future. Climatologists believe we've entered the wet end of a 20-year wet/dry climate cycle. Although we can expect a few dry years, precipitation even then is expected to be higher than in the last 20-year dry cycle between 1974 and 1994.

Soil & Bedrock

Soil composition and bedrock also determine where debris flows occur. The looser the soil, the more likely it will move if nothing is there to hold it down.

Soils with greater clay content stick together better because the clay particles absorb water slowly and stick together. Soils with more organic material -- such as forest soils -- act like sponges to soak up excess water. When the spongy layer is removed by logging or burning, or compacted by heavy machinery, excess water flows over the surface and erodes the top layer of soil. When the underlying bedrock is porous, such as sandstone or some volcanic-formed rock, soils drain faster. Impermeable bedrock, such as granite, keeps water in the soil. Over time, the excess water is transferred down to the water table or to stream channels, and some is stored for future use by plants.

Jointed bedrock is subject to increased landslide risk depending on which way the cracks form. Joints form between horizontal layers of rocks and at cracks created during normal earth movement. Water seeps through porous bedrock (such as sandstone) to existing cracks or layers in the rock. Horizontal joints, parallel to the topsoil, provide little resistance to sliding. The water lubricates the layers, creating a slip plane, and causes them to slide against one another like two pieces of paper. Vertical cracks in bedrock, however, can actually help stabilize the slope by absorbing and diverting water. If roots can get down into the cracks, the soil is further stabilized.

Bedrock type can also determine slide potential. Some rock, such as shales and volcanic-formed rocks, weather into sticky clay soils. Sandstones, granites, and micas wear down into coarse porous soils that are easily moved.


The steeper the slope, the more likely it is to slide. Landslides can occur on very gentle slopes, but these usually take years. The soil creeps slowly downhill, moving fenceposts and realigning railroad tracks. Wash gullies, which funnel eroded soil downhill, form more often on slopes greater than 40 percent (22 degrees). Quicker debris flows take place on slopes greater than 50 percent (27 degrees). The landslides last November along the lower Umpqua River occurred on slopes of 60 percent (31 degrees) or steeper.

How do these percentages translate into angle degrees? A rough estimate of a 100 percent slope would be about 45 degrees. A 200 percent slope is about 90 degrees.


The effect that vegetation cover has on hillslopes and slide potential is complicated. Trees intercept rain, lessening the impact that individual raindrops have on soil, and shade from trees keeps the forest floor moist and cool. If you've ever stood out in an Oregon rainstorm, you know how hard those drops can hit. Just imagine what those raindrops do to dried-out exposed soil. Rain hitting the ground loosens soil and small pieces of rock. Plants absorb the force of the rain and take up water for their own growth.

Roots hold soil down. Trees have larger and deeper root systems than grasses or shrubs, and are therefore more effective in retaining soil. When trees are cut, though, their roots die and quickly begin to decay. As the roots rot, they lose their ability to hold soil. The roots eventually decay to the point where they become part of the soil.

Meanwhile, grasses, shrubs, and new trees begin to grow on the site where trees were cut. As the new trees grow, their roots gain strength in retaining soil. For a few years, the grasses and shrubs are the most important factor in holding down soil.

Donald Satterlund and Paul Adams, forest researchers at Washington and Oregon State Universities, report that root cohesion -- the ability of roots to hold the soil to the slope -- reaches its lowest point 10 years after a clearcut. At the 10-year point, new growth is still not able to take up the slack left by decaying roots. The rotting roots have reached the point where only the largest main pieces of the roots remain.

However, strong winds blowing on treetops can weaken the hold of the roots on the soil. The tree trunk acts like a crowbar: Wind pushes down on the treetop "handle" and pries up the soil with the roots. The resultant loss in slope stability can create a slump.

Bare soil erodes rapidly. Removal of vegetation has been shown to increase runoff. If water is moving on top of the soil, it has a greater ability to move loose soil, rocks, and plant material.

Previous Use

Previous land use is probably one of the most easily determined factors in predicting a landslide. Piling heavy material such as mine tailings and dirt from roadcuts on hillslopes can cause failure.

Slopes cleared for houses in the forest interface can create problems, too. Such an area is cleared of trees and grass, and then leveled to create flat building site. Some trees and shrubs may be planted after the house is finished, but these cannot replace the root cohesion of the removed vegetation. The landslides on Puget Sound in January 1997 occurred on cliffs adjacent to a housing development. Placing leach field septic systems on developed hillsides saturates soils with water so that when heavy rainfalls happen, the slope is set up for a slide.

Researchers at the H.J. Andrews Experimental Forest have found roads to be the most important factor contributing to slope failure. Roads act like stream channels. Water normally moves downhill through soil to a stream channel. At the stream, the water resurfaces and joins a network of streams and rivers flowing to the sea.

During the dry season, water may move through the soil down to the water table where it is kept in reserve. When a road is cut into a hillside, it intercepts the water flowing downhill through the soil to the stream channel. Some water may flow under the road, but most of it moves across the roadtop. Depending on how close the stream is to the road, i.e. how close the road is to the bottom of the slope, the resurfaced water may have to travel a distance. The impact of water falling over the edge of the road can erode the soil on the slope between the road and the stream. A large amount of water moving over the road edge could trigger a slide. The old cut-and-fill method of road building piled rock and soil removed from the roadcut on the downhill slope. This made slopes even steeper and more prone to movement. Culverts, used to divert water and streams under roads, channel water into quicker moving streams that can erode soil faster. Scientists at H.J. Andrews have found that gullies are more likely to form on slopes greater than 40 percent below road culverts.

As previously mentioned, trees contribute to slope stability by holding the soil down with their roots and intercepting rain -- but they also decrease snowmelt and rain runoff, which can quickly erode bare earth. When trees are harvested, particularly in a clearcut, runoff increases, rain hits the soil more forcefully, and root cohesion decreases. In some harvest areas, headwalls -- the part of the slope most likely to fail -- are left uncut to try to decrease the chance of a landslide. But steep slopes eventually fail with or without human interference.

Clearcuts in combination with roads have the greatest chance of creating debris flows during heavy rains. In an experiment at the H.J. Andrews Experimental Forest, researchers Julia Jones and Gordon Grant found that peak flows, or flood size, increased 50 percent in a watershed in the five-year period following logging and road building. Only 25 percent of the forest had been cut, but the combined effect of roads and harvest equaled that found in a nearby watershed that had been entirely clearcut with no roads. Peak flow size is important, because if a significant amount of water is moving over and through the soil, it's going to be moving loose soil and rock. Most floodwaters are creamy brown because they are full of mud. Increased runoff means that the soil is already saturated to the point where it cannot absorb any more water. Extra precipitation could trigger a debris flow.


So what actually happens during a slide -- other than lots of noise and movement of big stuff? Underneath plants, the soil forms layers. Topsoil, and sometimes a second less organic layer, overlays weathered bedrock -- chunks of rocks, boulders, gravel. Bedrock is the bottommost layer. Rain falls and percolates down through these layers. If the bedrock is very porous, like sandstone, the rain may seep down into this layer and move downhill. If the bedrock is impermeable, the water will percolate down through the soil to the weathered bedrock and move to stream channels at the base of the slope.

As rain continues to fall, the soil and rock layers become saturated. The water table, the point at which the ground below is completely saturated with water, moves toward the soil surface. When the soil is completely saturated it becomes a soupy, muddy mass, and mud on a hill moves to the lowest point it can reach. As the wet soil moves downhill, it picks up loose rocks, vegetation, more soil, and boulders. All these things clank and grind together, creating a huge ruckus. At the base of the slope, provided the mass hasn't been slowed by standing trees or houses, the debris may run into a stream channel. This channel is the path of least resistance to further downhill movement, so the flow continues to move down the channel. If the mass doesn't run out of steam, it might reach a river where boulders, rocks, tree trunks, and soil are carried further downstream.

Living with Landslides

The question remains as to whether we have enough science to predict when and where landslides will occur. [SEE RELATED REPORT] If we have enough science, why don't we use it?

Landslides are not a recent phenomenon. A.G. Warring published a report in 1884 about a landslide near Sitkum, Oregon that almost killed 20 people. Another landslide near Mapleton, Oregon, in the 1890s killed a farm family and blocked the Siuslaw River for a short time.

Until recently, though, not many people lived in the urban/forest interface. People who did live in these areas had worked or lived in the forest most of their lives. They probably had a fairly good idea of where and how to build their houses -- and they knew the risks.

In the 1970s, the Oregon Department of Geology and Mineral Industries mapped existing landslides in the state. While areas that have had previous landslides are more likely to slide in the future, other factors such as soil, land use, bedrock composition, and hydrology were not accounted for. These maps cover about 25 percent of Oregon, but do not assess the potential risk of landslides.

The U.S. Geological Survey has created landslide risk maps for some regions, and states such as California use hazard maps in development planning. However, landslide hazard risk maps require considerable resources: money, time, and information on soil, bedrock, and slope painstakingly collected in the field. The state of Oregon has sought funding from the Federal Emergency Management Agency to fund a hazard risk mapping project, but thus far has not been successful.


  • Arnold, J.G., and J.R. Williams. 1987. Validation of SWRRB-simulator for water resources in rural basins. Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management 113(2): 243-256.
  • Coussot, P., and M. Meunier. 1996. Recognition, classification and mechanical description of debris flows. Earth-Science Reviews 40: 209-227.
  • Crozier, M.J. (ed.). 1986. Landslides: Causes, Consequences, & Environment. Dover, NH: Croom Helm. 252 pp.
  • Encyclopedia of World Problems and Human Potential. "Landslides." 1/21/97. Factsheet.
  • Federal Emergency Management Agency. "What is a Landslide?" 1/21/97. Factsheet.
  • Hurd, C.W. 2/2/97. "Who needs a study?" The Register-Guard. Op-Ed 2B.
  • Jones, J.A., and G.E. Grant. 1996. Cumulative effects of forest harvest on peak streamflow in the Western Cascades of Oregon. Water Resources Research 32(4): 959-974.
  • Mills, K. 2/28/97. ODF Geotech Specialist. Telephone interview. 503/945-7481.
  • Monastersky, R. 1988. Soil may signal imminent landslide. Science News 134(20): 318.
  • Oregon Dept. of Forestry Board Meeting. 3/5/97. Testimony by George Taylor (state climatologist at OSU), Gordon Reed (fish biologist USFS research lab), and Marvin Pyles (geo-engineer Dept. of Forestry OSU).
  • Satterlund, D.R., and P.W. Adams. 1992. Wildland Watershed Management. New York, New York: John Wiley and Sons, Inc., 436 pp.
  • Swanson, F.J., and C.T. Dryness. 1975. Impact of clearcutting and road construction on soil erosion by landslides in the western Cascade Range, Oregon. Geology 3(7): 393-396.
  • van Asch, T.W.J. 1980. Water Erosion on Slopes and Landsliding in a Mediterranean Landscape. Ütrecht, The Netherlands: University of Ütrecht, 238 pp.
  • Varnes, D.J. 1984. Landslide Hazard Zonation: Review of Principles and Practice. France: UNESCO, 63 pp.
  • Wang, M.M. 3/4/97. Geological Engineer at Oregon Dept. of Geology and Mineral Industries. Telephone Interview. 503/731-4100.
  • Warring, A.G. 1884. "History of Southern Oregon." Portland, OR.
  • Wemple, B.C., J.A. Jones, and G.E. Grant. 1996. Channel network extension by logging roads in two basins, Western Cascades, Oregon. Water Resources Bulletin 32(6): 1195-1207.

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