Why another site on wildland fire? Yeah, there are a lot of sites out there. Yeah, quite a few of them focus on wildland fire. Many of them are government sites, quite a few are well-done sites by firefighters or departments or suppliers or contractors or fire organizations. Far as we could tell, though, they all had very little in common, and they were all missing something.
Some of the sites we looked at had fire news. Some had a good pile of fire links. Some had great photos. Some had a few fire stories. Some had other useful information or good fire features. Some had ads or classifieds useful to the fire community, from the national offices of the federal agencies to the groundpounders to the structural departments and interface warriors and safety organizations and the rural volunteer fire departments.
But it seemed that none of the fire sites we checked out had more than two or three of these things in combination on one site -- almost as if some parts of the fire community don't want to talk with the other parts. OR MAYBE THEY DO, but there's no open channel on the radio????
With a couple of notable exceptions, we found that most of the fire websites spend a lot of space promoting themselves without any serious useful information or CONTENT. Even those sites, though, just didn't seem to have the scope or breadth or spiffy functional design (let alone editing) that we were looking for when we went looking for a SERIOUSLY USEFUL WILDLAND FIRE WEBSITE.
Maybe most important, none of the sites we looked at seemed to have anything like the camaraderie and shared help-me-out philosophy and professional get-down-and-get-dirty-and-work-your-ass-off attitude, the resourcefulness -- It didn't show up at fire camp? Well, then, JUST FIGURE IT OUT! -- that firefighters are known for.
So we figured WHY NOT? And a website was hatched.
You're lookin' at it.
Tell us what you think.
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