WildFire News is an international wildland fire website, averaging over 63,000 hits a month from more than 30 different countries. With more than 57,000 unique visitors in the last six months, the site now averages almost 350 individual visitors each day, with a daily average of almost 500 page views. Most of our hits come from the U.S. and Canada, Japan, Australia, and the U.S. military, along with Brazil, Norway, Germany, France, Spain, and South America. Our most popular pages are the jobs article, the classifieds and links pages, the fire weather story, and the fire shelters story.
We specialize in fire news, editorial services, and features -- for and about firefighters, contractors, fire suppliers, and fire agencies.
FIRE NEWS & FEATURES If what you're doing or have done is of interest to the wildland fire community, let us know - you might have a story we'd like to tell. If we think your experience or your business fits our audience, we'll write you a feature for the website. Ballpark cost on this is about $300 for about 2000 words. You provide the photos, we scan them and upload them and send them back to you.
All the ad art on this website was created by FoxFire Media. If we think your company or your organization fits our audience, we'll design you an ad bar for the website. Ballpark cost on this is about $100 for the art, and between $30 and $50 per month to run your ad bar on the website, depending on placement. Some ads also rotate through a random placement on the front page and links page. (If you didn't notice that, go back and re-load those pages - you'll get a different ad bar when the page re-loads.)
The rates and details for classified advertising are on the classifieds page.
FoxFire Media can get you online. You have a story or a product or a service or an organization that the fire community want to know about? Talk to us. You need images or a logo or graphics for your website, or html editing, or just some troubleshooting on your website? Ask us. We'll get you online and in touch. |
Whether you are a groundpounder or a tanker pilot or a 30-year-veteran firedog or the regional head of your agency, whether you're just getting started with your business or you've got $85 million in international contracts this year, we can help you connect with the rest of the fire community out there. Just ask us. |
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Wildfire News is owned and
operated by FoxFire Media, which is a certified trade name
registered pursuant to Section 44-1460.01, Arizona Revised Statutes.
Copyright and/or trademark violations will be prosecuted. | |