How much is enough?

By David Hockman-Wert

After more than 30 years, a hundred research studies, and who knows how many thousands of dollars, scientists are still trying to answer a fairly straightforward question: does clear-cut timber harvesting cause landslides? While it may seem odd that a conclusive answer has not been reached, the issue of causation is not as clear-cut as some of the ground being studied.

In the past few months, Oregonians have seen a new twist in the battles over forest practices in the state. Previously, environmental groups argued that clear-cutting damages sensitive and valuable forest ecosystems. Timber companies counter that society needs wood, and as long as harvesting is done carefully, they will continue to fulfill these needs. Since the landslides of November 1996, the pitched battle has moved to a new front: the threat clear-cutting poses to public safety.

Landslides originating in recent clear-cuts have demolished homes, covered roads, and killed people. A ballot initiative to ban clear-cutting finds this to be sufficient evidence to convict clear-cutting of "causing landslides." Yet landslides have been occurring for hundreds and probably thousands of years in Oregon, before clear-cutting -- or any sort of timber harvest -- was widespread.

In the midst of the public argument, research studies are often cited or refuted. Tim Hermach, director of Native Forest Council, cites the results of three studies and declares with no ambiguity that "the problem is not 'landslide-producing storms,' but landslide-producing logging." On the other hand, State Forester James Brown claims that "earlier studies ... don't provide us with complete answers."

What is the public, generally not well-versed in the geological intricacies of landslide science, supposed to think? For Hermach, it is clear: "The public should understand that the facts are not in dispute here. ODF [Oregon Department of Forestry] and the governor simply don't like the facts ..."

Are the facts not in dispute? Is the state forestry agency burying the "facts"? What do the studies say?

Scientists have studied the causes of landslides since the mid-1960s. Nearly every research study indicates that clear-cut timber harvesting increases the likelihood of landsliding on steep and unstable hillsides (from two to 31 times) and the erosion caused by landsliding (from two to 41 times), compared with uncut forests. These results appear to show general agreement that clear-cutting increases the incidence of landslides. However, some forest scientists still aren't convinced of this. Considering the methodology of some of the studies and the harvest practices of an earlier era, these scientists may have good reason to be skeptical.

A Brief History of Landslide Research

The first study to identify timber harvesting's effects on landslide rates was done in 1949 in Utah. Two U.S. Forest Service research scientists, Croft and Adams, found that heavy rains and snowmelt initiated landslides, but they also thought that timber cutting and slash burning contributed to reducing the stability of the hillsides.

In the 1960s, after easy-to-log areas had already been harvested, and steeper and more unstable sites began to be logged, concern arose about logging's impact on soil erosion. In 1972 the Forest Service initiated the Interstation Soil Mass Movement Research Program, to focus on the "causes, effects, prevention, and impacts of soil movement." Corvallis, Oregon, is home to one of the three stations in the program.

C.T. Dyrness, a Forest Service soil scientist working at the Corvallis research station, and Fred Swanson, a Forest Service geologist then at the University of Oregon, examined air photos and on-the-ground studies of the western Cascades in 1975. In their oft-cited paper, they noted that landslides occurred three times more frequently in clear-cuts, and carried roughly three times as much debris.

Notable, however, is that all of this soil movement happened in an "unstable zone," a lower elevation area with older unstable soils. In a geologically "stable zone" of roughly equal area, no slides occurred from either forested stands or clear-cuts.

These findings were supported by a 1979 study of the effects of a major storm in 1975 on the Mapleton Ranger District of the Siuslaw National Forest. The Mapleton study found that 95 percent of all slides occurred on slopes steeper than 70 percent (35 degrees) and on three of the most unstable soil types. These studies demonstrate the scientific consensus that the steepness and inherent instability of a site play key roles in the initiation of landslides.

Mapleton researchers also found 8.5 times more slides in clear-cuts than in forested areas, and 21 times the volume of debris. They caution, however, that these data do not include all of the slides in forested areas: "an unknown number, occurring at inaccessible sites or too small to see under heavy forest cover, were missed."

Two well-respected ground-based studies were performed in 1977, also on the slide-prone Mapleton Ranger District. In the first, Gary Ketcheson, a graduate student in the School of Forestry at Oregon State University (OSU), found that the frequency of medium and large slides in clear-cuts and forests were roughly the same: one slide per 21 acres in clear-cuts compared to one slide per 28 acres in uncut forests. The erosion rate from clear-cuts, however, was significantly higher (3.7 times) than in uncut forests.

In the second study, a team led by Fred Swanson found that the frequency of slides in clearcuts was actually somewhat lower than in the forest: one slide per 44 acres in clearcuts and one per 31 acres in uncut forests. Yet the erosion rate from clear-cuts was twice as high as from uncut forests.

These studies illustrate the dilemma of drawing conclusions from study results. If only one of the steepest and most unstable soil types is considered, the frequency of slides in clearcuts becomes 3.5 times higher than in forests for Ketcheson's study: one slide per 11 acres in clear-cuts compared with one slide per 38 acres in uncut forests. Swanson's results also show an increase in slide frequency from clear-cuts: one slide per 24 acres in clear-cuts and one slide per 31 acres in uncut forests. Erosion rates likewise increase, to 12 times higher in clear-cuts for Ketcheson and to four times higher in clear-cuts for Swanson.

Perhaps the most compelling paper of this era was a catalog of 43 landslide inventories prepared by George Ice for the National Council of the Paper Industry for Air and Stream Improvement. The paper concluded that "the increase in mass soil movement due to clear-cutting varies widely, ranging from 2-4 times in Oregon and Washington."

A tentative consensus

Volumes were written explaining how timber management activities, especially roadbuilding, exacerbated the tendency of steep and unstable hillsides to fail and slide down the slope. Douglas Swanston and Fred Swanson, geologists working in the Forest Services' Pacific Northwest Experiment Station, wrote, "Timber harvesting operations, particularly clear-cutting and road construction, accelerate these [landsliding] processes, the former by destroying the stabilizing influence of vegetative cover and altering the hydrologic regime of the site ... "

In other words, when the roots of dead trees lose their strength, and water saturates the ground and runs off in higher quantities, the risk of landsliding increases.

At a 1984 workshop on slope stability and forest management, F. Dale Robertson, then associate chief of the U.S. Forest Service, declared what was becoming a common understanding among forest land managers: "We should understand that now and then our activities will accelerate or trigger soil movement."

Recent Landslide Studies

The landslide issue quieted for more than a decade as the weather in Oregon hit a lull. From 1981 to 1996, storms were mild and did not cause significant landsliding.

In February 1996, the most intense storm since 1964 hit the Oregon Coast Range. In the wake of the February floods, interested groups commenced a flurry of studies. Fifteen years of forest management was put to the test.

First to be reported were the aerial surveys. The Association of Forest Service Employees for Environmental Ethics (AFSEEE), an environmental group based in Eugene, flew over the Mapleton Ranger District. They found that 62 percent of the slides they saw originated in clear-cuts compared with only two percent of slides occurring in the forest. The remainder were road-related.

Pacific Watershed Associates, a geological consulting firm from Arcata, California, performed their own aerial survey over large areas of the Coast Range and the Cascades. Their findings corroborate AFSEEE's Study: 71 percent of located slides were in recent clearcuts, compared with six percent in uncut forest.

Siuslaw National Forest staff conducted their own fly-over survey and found similar patterns of landslide occurrence.

"Ground-truthing" aerial study results

Meanwhile, in early February, the Oregon Department of Forestry (ODF) began its own massive study in conjunction with OSU, Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife, and the Oregon Department of Transportation. Like the other studies, research began with aerial observation. Unlike the other aerial surveys, ODF researchers followed up on the photos by walking all the creeks in the study areas. "Ground-truthing," as it's called, allows researchers to locate smaller slides which go undetected under the forest canopy.

It would be hard to find another scientific study which has been so anticipated and lauded before it's even completed. "I'm very excited to apply their findings," says Jim Furnish, Supervisor of Siuslaw National Forest. "[The study is] the most detailed assessment to date, which will prove very useful."

This is the "only research of its kind in terms of the amount of ground-truthing," notes Jim McCauley, director of the State Timber Purchaser's Division of the Oregon Forest Industries Council.

Leslie Lehmann, executive director of the Oregon Forest Research Institute, says the study is "really important," particularly because it is the first major study to analyze the effectiveness of recent amendments to the Forest Practices Act. In other words, the ODF study will test whether the present rules are sufficient to protect forest health and public safety from landslides.

The ODF study is in the analysis phase; final conclusions will not be drawn until late 1997. Yet the preliminary results, according to Keith Mills, the ODF geotechnical engineer in charge of the forest practices section of the study, indicate that "there can be, on the steepest slopes, an increase in landslide risk in the first ten years" after clear-cutting.

The studies performed in the wake of the 1996 flooding have revived the idea that logging causes landslides. Three of the four studies show a much greater incidence of landslides in clear-cut areas compared with forested areas, while one indicates a meager increase. The consensus appears to be complete; even members of the timber industry agree that forest practices can increase the risk of landslides.

"Nobody's going to deny that during the first ten years after harvesting, you do have a greater risk [of landsliding]," says Rex Storm, forest policy analyst with Associated Oregon Loggers.

Points of dissension

But not everyone is convinced.

"There's no real hard data that says we know that there's an increase," says Arne Skaugset, a forest engineering professor at OSU. "It's really hard to make the case that you're not increasing the risk somewhat," but researchers just don't have the hard-core scientific data to be sure about this.

Skaugset agrees that the studies show a marked increase in the frequency of landslides from clear-cuts. "It is possible to go into the literature and see that timber harvesting is horrible," he says. But he claims that the data-gathering techniques can have as much effect on the results of a study as the harvest techniques being tested. And he doesn't necessarily believe that results showing a small increase in slide frequency conclusively prove that an increase exists. Too many variables exist in landslide studies which could cause the results to be slightly inaccurate. "I give the system a lot of fuzz, since I think it's a fuzzy system," says Skaugset.

Swanson's and Ketcheson's studies, for example, showed relatively small differences in landslide frequency between clear-cuts and uncut forests. But the studies covered fairly small areas.

Keith Mills notes that differences in storm intensity across a landscape might skew the results of such a study. If a small study area receives considerably more rainfall than the surrounding area, or vice-versa, the study results could be quite different from the bigger picture. Larger landscapes need to be studied in order to guard against misrepresenting the whole.

Two main issues cause scientists to disagree about the applicability of research study results. One is the methodology used by some studies, particularly aerial photos and surveys. The other issue is that the type of harvest and road-building techniques being studied are no longer used in the forest.

Limitations of aerial studies

Aerial surveys show the greatest difference between the number of landslides in clear-cuts compared with uncut forests. This methodology is quite common in the field of landslide research.

"Probably 90 percent of the studies out there are based on aerial studies or windshield surveys [driving forest roads and counting landslides]," notes Marvin Pyles, Professor of Forest Engineering at OSU.

Such surveys can lead to "lower detection success" of landslides in forested areas, says Swanson, meaning that aerial surveys miss slides under the cover of trees. Some people hoped that was a "fatal flaw" in the theory that clear-cutting increases landsliding. However, Swanson warns against distrusting all landslide studies, especially those which are ground-based. Most of those studies show a slight increase in the likelihood of landsliding after clear-cutting, especially on the steepest and most unstable slopes.

Andy Stahl, director of AFSEEE, claims that the aerial studies his group performed are "legitimate with the proper caveats which I included in my study." In the study, he acknowledges that the number of natural slides is "somewhat greater than recorded," but even so, he asserts that "the vast bulk of sliding is logging-related." Besides, he says, the small slides in the forest hardly ever lead to debris torrents.

The preliminary reports from ODF's study indicate, however, that aerial studies are deficient in locating many landslides. More than 50 percent of the ground-truthed landslides could not be seen on the aerial photos.

"It doesn't take a brain surgeon to realize that if you're looking out of an airplane, those slides hidden under the canopy won't be visible," says Rex Storm of Associated Oregon Loggers.

In a three-square-mile stand of 200-year-old trees where ODF's and the Forest Service's study areas overlapped, ODF's ground-based methods located 40 landslides. The Forest Service's air photos had not located any of these slides. It is results such as these which cause researchers to be skeptical about the conclusions drawn from aerial studies.

Older studies and outdated techniques

Besides the limitations of aerial surveys, the results of older studies have been called into question because they are based on logging and road-building techniques that haven't been used for many years. The studies completed in the 1970s considered the effects of harvest practices from the 1950s.

"The activity that took place then was pretty rudimentary," says the OFIC's Jim McCauley. Logging with tractor skidders compacted and disturbed the soil. Large quantities of post-logging slash was burned at very high temperatures, removing shrubs and the organic layer of soil.

In recent years, though, soil disturbance has been minimized on steep slopes by using cable logging -- which collects logs without a tractor skidder -- and by reducing the amount of slash burning to retain shrub root systems. Less ground disturbance leads to some decline in erosion rates, but it is unclear whether it significantly reduces the frequency of landslides.

The issue of timing

Another issue of contention in the research community is the timing of landslides. Even if clearcutting increases the risk of landslides in the first ten years after logging, it may not increase the number of slides over the long term. If a site is prone to sliding anyway, clear-cutting hastens the inevitable but doesn't cause more slides. ODF's study supports this theory. Mills says, "there is an increase in frequency [of landslides] sometime in the first ten years [after harvest], and then a decrease."

Is root strength the primary component of soil stability?

Disagreement continues over one of the potential causes of landslides: root decay. Some question the assumption that root strength is the main factor in maintaining soil stability -- after all, if roots are the primary mediator of soil stability, forested sites should never slide. Likewise, harvested sites with decaying roots should never hold. But as Skaugset points out, a site "can fail with the roots in it."

Most landslide specialists still consider root strength to play a role in soil stability, but the precise role is unclear. Skaugset explains that while it may be relatively easy to identify landslide-prone sites, it is not easy to identify where a specific slide will occur. Scientists don't know enough about the process by which slides occur.

"When you go from landscape-level studies to process-level studies, it gets truly gnarly," says Skaugset.

Headwall leave areas: do they work?

In the race to solve the landsliding problem, the Siuslaw National Forest developed the headwall containment area program in 1975. Harvest plans under this program require leaving an area of uncut forest around the highest-risk section of a logged area. While headwall leave areas were intended to keep the high-risk sites from sliding, Swanson says it was "never demonstrated that they were effective." Recent inventories of headwall leave areas in the Mapleton Ranger District have shown that landslides are as frequent in these areas as in clear-cuts or uncut forest.

Nevertheless, Supervisor Jim Furnish maintains that headwall protection is still prudent. "There's every advantage to have a forested headwall as opposed to a bare headwall," he says. If a forested headwall fails and a slide goes, the debris will include large logs and branches which may improve in-stream fish habitat. A bare headwall, in contrast, would dump soil and rocks into the stream, silting up the gravel beds vital for fish spawning.

AFTER 30 YEARS OF LANDSLIDE RESEARCH, scientists still don't know the precise causes of landslides -- or what role, if any, timber harvesting plays. Why don't researchers know more after all the studies that have been done?

As Marvin Pyles puts it, "The earth doesn't cooperate in our statistical studies." The complex interactions of water, rock, soil, and vegetation elude science's full understanding. This complexity is enough to lead Keith Mills, the head researcher in ODF's landslide study, to claim, "We don't have a lot of information. What we do have, we still don't know what it all means."

Keith Mills says the two key questions are:

  • "What role does vegetation have on landslide incidence?"
  • "What role does vegetation have on the substances that debris flows move?"

The problem with science's slow slogging through complex and ambiguous matters is easily seen in the remnants of a mud-ravaged home.

"People don't have much patience for complexity, especially when houses are sliding down the hill," says Leslie Layman of the Oregon Forest Research Institute.

Policy can't wait, though, for 100 percent certainty; it must act within the ambiguity.

Commenting on the highly-charged political dialogue, Swanson says scientists and politicians can continue to bicker about whether the cutting should stop, but the real issue is to pay more attention to what is happening and what has happened on the land.

"Rather than trying to stop landslides," he says, "we should figure out how to put up with them."


  • Association of Forest Service Employees for Environmental Ethics. 2/14/96. Aerial Landslide Survey of Mapleton Ranger District Following Rainstorm of February 1996.
  • Brown, J. 2/6/97. The Problem of Landslides. Eugene Weekly. 16(5):8.
  • Croft, A.R. and J.A. Adams. 1950. Landslides and Sedimentation on the North Fork of Ogden River. May 1949. USDA Forest Service Intermountain Forest & Range Experiment Station Research Paper INT-21.
  • Dent, L., G. Robison, and K. Mills. 1996. Oregon Department of Forestry 1996 Storm Impacts Monitoring Project. Unpubl. Rep. Oregon Dept. of Forestry.
  • Furnish, J. 2/26/97. Supervisor, Siuslaw National Forest. Personal communication.
  • Gresswell, S., D. Heller, and D.N. Swanston. 1979. Mass Movement Response to Forest Management in the Central Oregon Coast Ranges. USDA Forest Service Resource Bulletin PNW-84.
  • Hermach, T. 2/6/97. Look at the Evidence. Eugene Weekly. 16(5): 9.
  • Ice, G.W. 1985. Catalog of Landslide Inventories for the Northwest. New York: National Council of the Paper Industry for Air and Stream Improvement Technical Bulletin 456.
  • Ketcheson, G.L. 1978. Hydrologic Factors and Environmental Impacts of Mass Soil Movements in the Oregon Coast Range. M.S. Thesis, Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR.
  • Lehmann, L. 2/17/97. Executive Director, Oregon Forest Research Institute. Personal communication.
  • McCauley, J. 2/17/97. Director of State Timber Purchaser's Division, Oregon Forest Industries Council. Personal communication.
  • Mills, K. 2/25/97. Geotechnical engineer, Oregon Department of Forestry. Personal communication.
  • Mills, K. 1996. Landslide Occurrence and Forest Practices (Exclusive of Road Management) Associated with the Storm of 1996. Unpubl. Rep. Oregon Department of Forestry.
  • Pyles, M. 3/5/97. Professor of Forest Engineering, Oregon State University. Oregon Board of Forestry meeting presentation.
  • Robertson, F.D. 1985. Landslides on Steep Forested Terrain: The Problem and Resource Mangement Implications. Keynote address in Swanston, D.N. ed. Proceedings of a Workshop on Slope Stability: Problems and Solutions in Forest Management. USDA Forest Service General Technical Report PNW-180.
  • Skaugset, A. 2/28/97. Assistant Professor of Forest Engineering, Oregon State University. Personal communication.
  • Stahl, A. 2/24/97. Executive director, Association of Forest Service Employees for Environmental Ethics (AFSEEE). Personal communication.
  • Storm, R. 2/27/97. Forest Policy Analyst, Associated Oregon Loggers, Inc. Personal communication.
  • Swanson, F. 2/25/97. Geologist, Siuslaw National Forest. Personal communication.
  • Swanson, F.J. and C.T. Dyrness. 1975. Impact of Clear-cutting and Road Construction on Soil Erosion by Landslides in the Western Cascade Range, Oregon. Geology 3(7): 393-396.
  • Swanson, F.J., M.M. Swanson, and C. Woods. 1977. Inventory of Mass Erosion in the Mapleton Ranger District, Siuslaw National Forest. Unpubl. Rep. on file, Forestry Sciences Lab. Corvallis, OR.
  • Swanson, F.J., M.M. Swanson, and C. Woods. 1981. Analysis of Debris-avalanche Erosion in Steep Forest Lands: An Example from Mapleton, Oregon, USA. Erosion and Sediment Transport in Pacific Rim Steeplands. Proc. Christchurch symposium.
  • Swanston, D.N. and F.J. Swanson. 1976. Timber Harvesting, Mass Erosion, and Steepland Forest Geomorphology in the Pacific Northwest. pp. 199-221 in Coates, D.R. ed. Geomorphology and Engineering. Stroudsburg, PA: Dowden, Hutchinson & Ross, Inc.
  • Weaver, W. and D.K. Hagans. 1996. Aerial Reconnaissance Evaluation of 1996 Storm Effects on Upland Mountainous Watersheds of Oregon and Southern Washington. Arcata, CA: Pacific Watershed Associates.


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