40th REUNION |
1967 crew: Back row, L-R: Albert Rametes, Gary Cook, Darrel Hawkins, Don Walker, Eliott Beckon, Brian Waldire, Steve Stockton, John Fisher, Larry Wright, John Etrom, Larry Byrne, Dick Anderson, Dan Eek, Fritz Ramsay, Steve Edmunds. Middle (at right): Bob Casad, Hugh Leslie, John Ingram. Front row, L-R: Gary Handschug, Ron Thames, Jim Casad, Dick Kelley, John Roger, John Stroup. |
The Winema IHC traces its roots to the Star Suppression Crew, which was formed on the Rogue River National Forest in 1962.
The name of the crew was changed to the Rogue River Roughriders Inter-regional (IR) Crew in 1970. The national reorganization to Interagency Hotshot Crews caused another name change — to the Prospect IHC in 1980.
In 1982, the crew moved over the mountain to the Winema National Forest. The Winema IHC have been based in Klamath Falls since then.
Thanks to Jeff LaLande, Archaeologist/Historian on the Rogue River National Forest, for the photos below — click 'em and they get bigger. EMAIL us if you have more or better caption information.
1964 Star Crew: Standing L-R: Jim Schmidt, Bill Buettner, Gary Craven, Carlos Quijas, Gerald Mulkey, Scott Dimick, Bruce Granquist, Bruce McDowell, Mike Buckley, Ed Graham. Kneeling, L-R: Jim Titus, John Allen, Larry Hassett, Mark Winningham, Jack Schmeltz. |
Please email us if you have information or photos to add to this page.